ABOUT InLEX KOREA(Korea Innovative Logistics and Defense Conference & Exhibition 2025)


    • Discovering excellent products reflecting the latest technologies and establishing a system for the stable and timely supply of goods.

    • Creating synergy between civilian-military cooperation and businesses, enhancing the military applicability of civilian infrastructure

    • Creating an environment for participation with excellent commercial products to establish a stable support platform for military supplies.

    Establishing a process for discovering the best-quality products to create synergies for industrial development and build a stable military supply system.


    For the development of the defense industry / businesses and fostering collaboration between related organizations and companies Creation of an Official Space for Communication and Cooperation among Civilian, Government, and Military Entities
    • Related stakeholders from the industrial, academic, and research sectors of the defense industry
    • Officials responsible for acquisition and procurement in each military branch / government agency

    Support for technical standards and information to introduce superior products and technologies to the military.

    Establish communication channels for military needs and company/research institute requirements, facilitating exchange and synergy creation.

    Building a specialized platform for collaboration among civilian, government, and military sectors for the advancement of the defense industry.

    Key Features of the Event

    • National Defense Industry Development Conference

      - A development seminar where experts from government agencies and military branches related to the defense industry participate.
      - A professional session focusing on the latest policies and issues, discussing ways to promote collaboration between the military and civilian industries.

    • Industrial Exhibition

      - A top marketing platform for products related to army, navy, and air force weapon systems and power support systems.
      - A communication hub where the needs and directions of military branches and related organizations can be confirmed.

    • Business Platform for the Growth of the Defense Industry Ecosystem

      - An official exchange space for promoting excellent products, building business networks, and sharing information.
      - A community for sustainable development in defense-related policies, demand, R&D, and operational fields.

    • Simultaneous Symposiums and Briefings for Fostering Future Strategic Development Needs

      - Symposiums and military-industry dialogues with experts from various specialized fields.
      - Hosting industrial exhibitions, briefings, and export consulting sessions to reflect future strategic development needs.