행사 안내 InLEX KOREA(대한민국 국방산업발전대전)

    행사 개요

    국가산업발전과 미래전투발전 소요창출을 위한 국내 최고의 官·軍·産·學·硏 국방산업 플랫폼

    전시명 약칭 : InLEX KOREA 2025
    영문 : Korea Innovative Logistics and Defense Conference & Exhibition 2025
    국문 : 2025 대한민국 국방산업발전대전
    ※     국제인증 전시회+

    장소 대전컨벤션센터 (DCC)

    일시 2025년 6월 18일(수) ~ 6월 20일(금), 3일간




    동시개최 군수산업발전대전, 첨단국방산업전, 미래지상전력기획심포지엄, 부품국산화개발전시회


    Name InLEX KOREA 2025
    Korea Innovative Logistics and Defense Conference & Exhibition 2025

    Venue Daejeon Convention Center (DCC)

    Dates Jun 18 (Wed.) ~ 20 (Fri.), 2025

    Host Daejeon Metropolitan City, ROK Army Training & Doctrine Command, ROK Army Logistics Command, Agency for Defense Development,
    Defense Agency for Technology and Quality, Defense MICE Institute

    Organizer DM Expo

    Sponsor Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Ministry of SMEs and Startups, Republic of Korea Army, Republic of Korea Navy, Republic of Korea Air Force, Defense Acquisition Program Administration, National Research Council of Science & Technology, Korea Institute For Robot Industry Advancement, Korea Foods Industry Association

    Parallel Events Innovative Logistics Conference & Exhibition, Future Ground Power Planning Symposium, Parts Localization development Exhibition


    무기체계 / 전력지원체계 (非무기체계) 및 부품·장비를 개발, 생산하는 기업

    4차산업혁명 관련 첨단기술 / 제품 등을 생산하는 연구소 / 기업

    첨단기술이 적용된 무기체계 / 지원체계 생산 기업 / 연구소

    국방벤처/국방 R&D사업 등의 참가 희망 기업, PX납품 등을 추진중인 업체 / 연구소

    기타, 군수산업 관련기관/지자체/연구소/시험기관/협·단체/학교 등

    ※ 전력지원체계 - 장병과 무기체계의 지속적인 전투력 발휘를 지원하는 장비·물자·일반시설·자원관리 및 기반체계 소프트웨어 등
    • 무기체계/무인·AI·국방우주분야

      지·해·공 무기체계, 기동/화력/방호장비, 시물레이터, 지휘·통제·통신체계, 함정, 해양/선박지원체계, 무인이동체(UAV, UGV, USV/UUV), 항공우주장비, 부품/시스템, 로봇, AI, VR/AR 제품 등

    • 기계·장비, 정보통신보안체계

      훈련장비, 지휘통신보안장비, 정보통신융합기술/장비, 사물인터넷, 감시정찰영상장비, 대테러/경호장비, 차량, 정비장비, 발전기, 세탁/세척장비, 지원장비/물자, 크레인 등

    • 시설/자재, 부품

      전력지원시스템, 태양광, 조명, 공조시스템, 페인트, 방수재, 소화기, 청소/제설자재, 고소작업대, 펌프, 턴버클, 공구류, 근무지원물자 등

    • 식·생활용품, 피복/개인장구류

      식품류, 전투복, 방탄장비, 군 급식, 정비복, 장갑, 침낭, 공기청정기, 식수저장장치, 주방기기, 아웃도어용품, 인명구조 및 의료장비/물자, 체력단련기구 등

    • Weapon Systems/Unmanned, AI, Defense Space Sector

      Land, Sea, and Air Weapon Systems, Mobility/Fire-power/Protective Equipment, Simulators, Command, Control, and Communication Systems, Mines and Traps, Maritime/Ship Support Systems, Unmanned Vehicles (UAV, UGV, USV/UUV), Aerospace Equipment, Compo-nents/Systems, Robotics, AI, VR/AR Products, and more

    • Machinery & Equipment, Information and Communication Security Systems

      Training Equipment, Command and Communication Security Equipment, Information and Communication Convergence Technology/Equipment, Internet of Things (IoT), Surveillance and Reconnaissance Imaging Equipment, Anti-Terrorism/Security Equipment, Vehicles, Maintenance Equipment, Generators, Cleaning/Washing Equipment, Cranes, Support Equipment/Materials, and more

    • Facilities/Materials, Parts

      Power Supply Systems, Solar Energy, Lighting, Air Conditioning Systems, Paint, Waterproof Materials, Fire Extinguishers, Cleaning/Snow Removal Materials, High-altitude Workstations, Pumps, Turnbuckles, Tools, Work Support Materials, and more

    • Food/Lifestyle Products, Clothing / Personal Protective Equipment

      Food Products, Combat Uniforms, Body Armor, Military Rations, Maintenance Clothing, Gloves, Sleeping Bags, Air Purifiers, Water Storage Devices, Kitchen Equipment, Outdoor Gear, Search and Rescue/Medical Equipment and Materials, Fitness Equipment, and more